
◾  VILADAT: 4 RABI UL AKHAR 524 H, 1132 A.D. Sunday- Qahera

● Moulana al Imam atTaiyeb Abul Qasim Ameerul Mumieen s.a . ni viladat, 4 Rabiul Akhar 524 H, 1132 A.D. Sunday- Qahera ma thai.

● Yemen ma Moultena Hurratul Maleka r.a. Imam Aamir [a.s.] na Hujjat tha.

● 524 H. ma Imam Aamir [a.s.] ye Moultena Hurratul Maleka r.a. ni taraf “SIJIL AL BISHARAAT” ane purana rumal mokla, ane potani  Shahadat no ishaaro kido.

● 526 H. ma Moulana al Aamir s.a. na shahadat ni khabar Yemen pohnchi. Moultena Hurratul Maleka r.a. ye Jazira-e-Yemen ma Moulana al Imam atTaiyeb s.a. ni taraf si Dawat qayam kidi. Aap na naam mubarak si bay’t lido. Yemen ni tamam masajid ma Imam Taiyab a.s. na naam mubarak si khutba parhaya.

● Misr ma Babul Abvab Moulana Ibne Madyan r.a. ye Moulana al Imam atTaiyeb s.a. ni taraf Dawat qayam kidi. Abdul Majid ye qasr ane Zaheri mamlakat ni tawalli kidi. Ali bin al Afzal dushmani par qaem thayo. Misr par galbat karva no irado kido. Aimmat a.s. ni adavat zahir kidi. Abdul Majid ne qaid kari fitnat shuru kidi. Al Hasan bin Abdul Majid ye tene saath dido. Mumineen ne qatl kida. Amval luti lida. Babul Abvab Moulana Ibne Madyan r.a. ane Doat ma si char fozola-Naslan, Al Azizi, Raslan ane Qaves ne qatl kida. Fitnat aam thai, Zulmat chhaai gai, Moulana al Imam at Taiyeb s.a. satar ma padhari gaya. Magrib na bilad ni taraf sidhari gaya. Aap na saath Babul Abvab Moulana Abu Ali, hudud fozola ane mumineen kholosa mustatar [parde] thai gaya. Misr ni haveli suni thai gai. Al Moezze Qahera na gharo khali thai gaya. Mumenaat chhaso [ 600] na qareeb magrib na bilad ni taraf chala gaya. Moulana Imam Al Amir khabar kari gaya hata ke aa misal zulmat vaqe’ thase, fitnat qaem thase. Aap safar ni tamam taiyari kari chuka tha.

● Je waqt Ali bin Shahanshah Afzal si taaddi ane zulmrani ghani zaher thai, te waqt logo ehna taraf ushkeraya ane ehne qatl kari nakho. Abdul Majid ne qaid ma si bahar nikalo. Abdul Majid ye tena dikra Hasan ne qaid kido. Ek laakh logo Qahera na baab par aaya. Abdul Majid na saath mutalebat kido ke ehne dikra Hasan ne bahar nikale. Logo itna ushkraya hata ke qasr na darvaza jalavi dida. Abdul Majid ne thayu ke have aa logo manse nahi to teye Hasan ne zehr aapi mari nakho. Logo ehne maiyat na halat ma dekhi khamos thai gaya.

● Je waqt Abdul Majid vaste qaza saaf thai, amar sahal thayo, mumineen kholosa qatl thai chuka, te waqt ehno nifaq zaher thayo. Mamlakat ni lalach payda thai. Be [2] varas na baad 528 H. ma Imamat no da’avo kido.

● Moultena Hurratul Maleka r.a. ne potana taraf si khutbo parhva kahyu, Moultena Hurratul Maleka r.a. ye ehna upar hujjat qate’ kidi ane dawat na logo ne khabar kidi ke Abdul Majid ye ahad ne tori nakho chhe, ane Imamat no jutho da’avo kido chhe.

● 531 H. ma aap ye Imam Aamir [a.s.] ni hazrat ma javaheraat na hadiya Sultanul ajal Ahmed bin Abil Hasain bin Ibrahm bin Mohammed Sulehi a.q. saathe Moulana al Imam atTaiyeb s.a. ni hajrat Aaliya ma moklaya.

● Imam [a.s.] na farman si Doat Muttaqeen na silsila ne jaari kida.

● 532 H. ma Moultena Hurratul Maleka r.a. 22mi Shaban 92 varas ni umr ma vafat thaya.

Imam Maulana Al-Imam Al-Taiyeb (SA)

The 21st Imam Maulana Al-Imam A-Taiyeb (SA) was born in Al-Moizziya Al-Qahera on the 4th of Rabi-ul-Akhar 524H

It was a Sunday. He was given the kuniyat Abul-Qasim.

His father Imam Aamir (SA), knowing of his own impending shahadat (martyrdom) publicized the birth of his son and made the succession of Imam Taiyeb (SA) as the next Imam well known. Imperial missives were sent to all parts of the Dawah in this effect. One such missive is famously known to us as the “Sijil-ul-Bisharat” which reached Maulatona Hurratul Maleka (RA) in The Yemen. She then made it known to all as had been instructed.

When the 20th Imam was assassinated on the 4th of Zilqada 526 H; Maulatona Hurratul Maleka (RA) and Dai al-Mutlaq Syedna Zoeb (RA) undertook the task of securing the Oath of Allegiance for Molana Al-Imam Al-Taiyeb (SA) from all the Mumineen in The Yemen. On Fridays the masjids of The Yemen resounded with the _khutbah_ being delivered in the name of Imam Taiyeb (AS). In Egypt this task was undertaken by Imam Aamir’s (SA) Bab-ul-Abwab- Ibn-Madyan.

Meanwhile Abdul-Majid was entrusted with running the affairs of the state. In the beginning Abdul Majid did as instructed and the empire continued in the name of Imam Taiyeb (AS).

Then, during this interim period, an insurgency to capture Al-Qahera was led by Ali-bin-Afzal and his concealed hatred for Aimmat Tahereen (AS) was unveiled. Abdul-Majid also revealed treachery and greed for the trappings of empire. Mumineen were thrown into disarray and the kingdom was in turmoil allowing Ali bin Afzal’s offensive to gain strength. He succeeded in imprisoning Abdul Majid. Adbul Majid’s son Hasan also joined his ranks and this reign of depravity gained momentum.

A vast number of Mumineen were killed and treasures pillaged. Ibne Madyan (RA) and four of the noble duat, Naslaan, Azizi, Raslan and Qunnas were murdered. Imam Aamir (SA) having foreseen these dismal events had made travel preparations for his son. As the insurgency gained momentum Imam Taiyeb (SA) along with his ‘Bab-ul-Abwaab’ Abu Ali (RA), the remaining noble ministers of the Dawat and Mumineen Mukhliseen left Misr and migrated towards the western hemisphere where they sought seclusion.

After Imam’s seclusion persecution of Mumineen led to their exodus from Misr. It is said that 600 Muminaat fled towards Maghrib. The collective departure of so many left the palaces of Misr vacant and homes abandoned as the centuries long period of ‘_satr_’ began.

● Aap Dail Mutlaq Syedna Zoeb ne Dawat sonpta gaya. Aap na baad nas ba nas Doat Mutlaqeen no silslo jariya’ chhe.

● Al Qahera ma Abdul Majeed ye zaaheri mamlakat na saath Imamat no da’avo kido, ane ehna baad daulat na vazra’ ye ehna dikra Ismail Az Zafir ne 544 H. ma qaem kido. Daulat no saghlo karobar al Malek Saleh na hath ma hato. Jor ane zulm cho taraf phelayo, mumineen ni ginti kam thai gai, saghal mustatar thai gaya.

● Az Zafir  thora varas rahyo, ehne qatal karvama aayo. Ehna baad teno dikro Eesa bin Ismail tifle sagir qaem thayo. Ehna baad ehna kaka no dikro Abdullah bin Yusuf bin Abdul Majeed qaem thayo, te 568 H. ma halak thayo.

● Al Maliknnasir Yusuf bin Ayyub Misr ane Shaam ni mamlakat par galib thayo, je bani Ummaiya ma si chhe.

● Yemen ma Abdul Majeed ni Dawat muntalaq thai, Moulana al Imam atTaiyeb s.a ni Dawat baqiya’ chhe.

● Aaj 53ma Dai, Dail Asr Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin (TUS) si Dawat nu misr aabaad chhe Imam no qasr aabaad chhe. Ilm ane ataa’ ni neel aap si jaari chhe.

Aaj Aapni Milaad ni Mubarak Raat Chhe

● 1441H Milaad Ni Raat ma , Imam uz Zaman Na Dai, 53 ma Dai Al Mutlaq DAR ES SALAM (TANZANIA) Ma Tashreef Rakhta Hata

● 1442H Milaad ni Raat ma, imaam uz Zaman na Dai, 53ma Dai ul Mutlaq BANDARAWELLA (SRILANKA) ma Tashreef Rakhta hata

● 1443H Milaad ni Raat ma, imaam uz Zaman na Dai, 53ma Dai ul Mutlaq SUWASRA (MP) ma Tashreef Rakhta Hata

● Aaje 1444H Milaad ni Raat ma, imaam uz Zaman na Dai, 53ma Dai ul Mutlaq BHINDER (RAJ) ma Tashreef Rakhe Che

●  Khuda Taa’la aa shaan na Maula Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin Aqa (TUS) ni umar shareef ne Qayamat na din lag daraaz ane daraaz karjo ne Imam uz zaman na thanda saya  ma hum gulamo ne wasaojo ane Aapnu zuhur shitaab dikhaojo. Ameen

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