TODAY WAFAAT NI RAAT==========================11TH FATEMI IMAAM MAULANA ABDILLAAH IL MEHDI SA========================== ◾ WILADAT: 12 SHAWWAL AL MUKARRAM 260H ◾ WAFAAT: 15 RABI UL AWWAL 322H ◾ UMR SHARIF: 62 WARAS ◾ DAUR E IMAMAT: 54 WARAS ● Aapni Wilaadat 260 AH ma Askar Mukarram Ma Thai. ● Aapna Na Zaman Ma Gold Coins Bana Che … Read more

Recorded Zareeh Iftetah Maulatena Zainab AS

Recorded Zareeh Iftetah Maulatena Zainab AS President Of Egypt Mr El Sisi Witnesses The Opening Of The Masjid Al Zainab And Also Opening Of Zareeh Of Zainab AS. Zainab As Is The Grand Daughter Of Prophet Muhammad PBUH And Daughtet Of Imam Ali And Fatima AS. She Was Present With Imam Hussain In Karbala And … Read more

Huzurala TUS Met Egypt President

Huzurala TUS Met Egypt President Today, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received Sultan Mufaddal Saif al-Din, Sultan of the Bohra community in India, accompanied by his brother, Prince Qaid Jawhar Ezz al-Din, and his sons, Prince Jaafar al-Sadiq Imad al-Din, Prince Taha Najm al-Din, and Prince Hussein Burhan al-Din, in the presence of Major General Abbas … Read more


==========================MAULANAL IMAAM AL  MUSTANSIR BILLAH SA 18MA IMAAM========================== ◾  WILAADAT : 16 SHEHRE RAMADAN UL MOAZZAM  420 H  (1029 AD)` ◾ WAFAAT : 18 ZILHAJJATIL- HARAAM 487` ◾ `AYYAM-UL-IMAMAT: 60 WARAS 3 MAHINA 17 DIN` ◾ `UMR SHAREEF  : 67 WARAS` ● Maulana Imaam Mustansir Billah AS Ni Vilaadat Al-Qaheratul Mo’izziyah Ma Mangal Waar Na … Read more

Akhbar Anwar – Surat

Akhbar Anwar – Surat   ▫️ Duat Kiraam RA nu markaz thye te vaste ghano warso si tamheed jaari hati, 40ma Dai Syedna Hebatullah-il-Moayed Fiddeen RA 3 waqt Surat Tashrif Laya, Surat ni zameen ne tayyar kidi taqe ainda zaman ma ye zameen Duat mutlaqeen vaste مستقر ane maskan bane. ▫️ Surat ma 7 Duat … Read more

The “Order of the Nile Medal”: Honoring Excellence and Service

Order of the Nile Medal

The “Order of the Nile Medal”: Honoring Excellence and Service President Sisi bestows the “Sultan of the Bohras” with the Order of the Nile in recognition of his continuous efforts in Egypt Today, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received Sultan Mufaddal Saifuddin, Sultan of the Bohra sect in India, accompanied by his sons Prince Jaafar Al-Sadiq … Read more