Viladat : 16 zilhaj 1198 Hijri / 1784 AD

Vafat: 15mi Zilqaddatil Haram 1252 H / 1837 A.D Surat

Aap dawat na Arsh par 16 waras 1 Mahina and 26 Din Jalwanuma Rahya

πŸ–Š Syedna Taiyeb Zainuddin [r.a.]  Syedi Jivanji a.q. [Burhanpur] na farzand anjuman chhe.

πŸ–Š Aap no zaman saadat [peace] no zaman hato. Aap noor ni misal tha. Dataar (Genorous) tha. Tolaba (Students) par ghani shafaqat rakhta. Gunegaro ne bakhshi deta. Aap ye Taalim ane Moallim na qavaneen [rules] banaya.

πŸ–Š Angrez Sarkar ane Deshi Rajwada, beve ma aap nu ghanu maan (respect) hatu. Sir John Malcom, Holkar, Sindia saghla aap no maan martabo rakhta, aap ne ghani karamat (Respect) aapta.

πŸ–Š 1237 H. [ 1822 ] ma Surat ma ghani mohti rel [flood] aavi. Shaher (City) panch (5) din paani ma rahyu.

πŸ–Š Aap ye Mumineen ane gair Mumineen vaste naav (boats) firavi, anaaj ni madad pohnchavi.

πŸ–Š Aap ye aap na shahzada Syedna Abdul Qadar Najmuddin [r.a.] ane Syedna Abdulhusain Husamuddin [r.a.] ni Shaadi ghani dhamdhoom si Surat ma kidi, ane aap ni dukhtar (Daughter)  ni Shaadi Syedna Mohammed Badruddin [r.a.] na saath kidi.

πŸ–Š Aap Bombay Legislative Council na member hata. Bombay Presidency taraf si aap ne Upper Council ni membership offer thai, aap ye inkar kido.

πŸ–Š Aap ye ghana Mashahed ane Madaris aabad kida. Syedi Fakhruddin Shaheed a.q. [Galiakot] na Roza,, Hasanfir Saheb ni Masjid, Surat na qubba ane Yemen ma Syedna Hatim r.a. na qubba  aap ye banaya. Syedna Hatim r.a. na qubba  aa qabal [pehla] jivare bhi banavta, tivare tooti jata.

πŸ–Š Aap ye safar ghani kidi chhe. 1239 H. ma paanch mahina aap ye Surat, Khambat, Ahmedabad ane Kapadvanj  ni safar kidi.

πŸ–Š 1240 H. ma aap Dahod, Ratlam ane Mandsor rahya. (1241 H. Mandsor ma aap na muqam darmiyan ghano fasad thayo. Aap na ane Mumineen na makano ne jalaya. Ek goli aap na qareeb si nikli gai. Khuda Taala ye aap ni hifazat kidi. Aakhir ma Angrez Lashkar ne bolayu, ane toofan qabu [control] ma aayu. Ujjain ma Mazharali ye fitnat kidi, te pakrayo. 1241 H. ma Ujjain ma Shaadi na jaman ma gosht pakavva ni babat ma qaumi riot thayu.

πŸ–Š Hinduo ye apna saath len-den band kidi. Angrez sarkar vachche pari ane saghlu chalu thayu.

πŸ–Š 1247 H. ma aap Kapadvanj, Ahmedabad, Sidhpur Jamnagar ane Mandvi padhara.

πŸ–ŠΒ  15 Zilqad 1252 H. 54 varas ni umare, Surat ma aap wafat thaya.

πŸ–Š Aap ni qabr mubarak Qubba Izziyah ma chhe. Aqa Moula t.u.s. aap ni nasal ma si chhe.

πŸ–Š Aaje Aapna URS Ni Mubarak Raat Chhe.


1236-1252/1821-1836) SURAT

Syedna Tayyib Zainuddin (R. A) worked for greater organization of the system of Dawat and the system of learning of Ilm e Aale Mohammed. He was on very terms with British Governors and officials. Governor of Bombay, Sir John Malcolm wrote him a letter and addressed him with a very degnified words.

In 1241 AH, when Syedna Tayyib Zainuddin (R. A) visited Mandasore, a Sunni Molvi ordered his followers to disconnect their relation with Bohras as they were Raafzi. One day, during the stay of Syedna Zainuddin sunnis beated a Moomin and killed. As a result, fierce fighting started between Moomineen and Sunnis. The Molvi was killed in it and Sunnis excited more. They laid a seige around the house where Syedna (R. A) lived. Resident Officer of Indore sent three paltone of army under Captain Borth Wick to Mandsore in order to protect Syedna. Syedna (R. A) was released from that seige and after some days, escorted to Indore respectfully. At Indore, Syedna Zainuddin (R. A) was received warmly outside the city by the minister, Tatya Sahib.

After some days, Syedna Zainuddin (R. A) went to Ujjain on thee invitation of some Moomineen. There also some disturbance occurred between Hindus and Bohras. It was due to the slaughter of a goat during saravan, thhough Syedna (R. A) had instructed not to cook meat. Two regiments and artillery were sent to Ujjain from Indore, and Syedna was sent to Surat with a escort of fifty cavalry.men and a guard of infantry. On the safe arrival at Surat, Syedna Zainuddin (R. A) was congratulated by the Governor, Lord Elphinstone. He gave his assurance for his protection in future. Mr. Romer, the colllector of Surat wa instructed in this regard.

During the period of Syedna Tayyib Zainuddin (R. A), Turkey invaded Greece after the proclamation of independence by Greeks. In 1826, Russia declared war on Persia and took Armenia. In 1828, Russia declared war on Turkey._
_In intellectual field, Robert Brown discovered the cell nucleus in plants. English poet, Alfred Tennyson wrote number of his poems including ‘Lady of Shalott in 1832.

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