FMB Safar Thali Team
FMB Safar Thali Team has been serving Mumineen during their travels since long. This year, they had the sharaf of serving 2800 thalis to Mumineen travelling to and from Ashara Mubarakah 1446H.
Steps to avail FMB Safar Thaali –
1. Go on link –
2. Add your PNR number from the IRCTC ticket
3. If you are eligible for safar thaali stations where thaali can be requested will be shown in drop down
4. Add the details and submit

🌟Milad Un Nabi Mubarak
Syedna Ali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin (TUS) waramwaar Mumineen ne Hidayat ape che ke Moulana Hamza AS ni Zabihat kare.
Aa amal si:
Mushkilo asaan thai che
Umeedo puri thai che
Gunaaho ma’af thai che
Ghana Hikmat na fawaid che
Mumineen will attain the barakat of Zabihat meat being contributed to Faiz-ul-Mawaid-il-Burhaniyah and attain the sawaab of إطعام الطعام (Mumineen ne Jamarwu).
Sagla, sathe em Dua kare ke:
Khuda Taala Dunia ma Amaan Qaaim rakhe.
Tamam Ibadullah ne Salamat ane Hifazat ma rakhe
Je sagla Mushkili ane Takleef ma che ehni Mushkili ane Takleef dur kare ane Umoor Sehel kare
Msg For Details

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Saifee Hospital Mumbai: Delivering Excellence in Healthcare
Allama, Syedi Sadiqali Saheb {AQ} Bin Mulla Sultanali
Mukasir al-Dawat al-Haq Syedi Dr. Qaidjohar Bs Ezzuddin DM
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