Moulai Yaqub Bin Moulai Bharmal {AQ}

💧Wafat’- 14 Rajab-ul-Asab, 925 H, Patan {Gujarat}
🔸Moulai Yaqub ni Zikar Syedna Taher Saifuddin Aqa {RA} Aap na Risala Shareefa Mafatihul- Yakutil- Hams ma farmavi chhe,
🔸Aap A’ala Seerat na Saheb Hata, Shareeat na Qayam karnar hata, Bhalai na Kaamo Karnar hata, Dawat na Tamam Mu’mineen na Deen ni Rusumaat ne Zinda Karva ma Koshish na karnar hata,
Khuda Ta’ala Ye Aap ne Ek Bhala ane Nek Farzand Ata’a Farmaya, Je nu Naam Ishaq Chhy
🔸Ye Farzand Ni Tarbiyat Aap Khud Ye Kidhi, Takey Ilm ma, Adab ma, Aap na Maqam ma Qayam thaya Te Ba’ad Moulai Yaqub Wafat’ thaya’ Patan- Gujarat ma Aap ni Qabr Mubarak chhe,
🔸Moulai Yaqub Bin Moulai Bharmal {AQ}, Moulai Abdullah na Inteqal na Baad, Hind-Sind na Pehla Vaali Qayam thaya, Dawate Hadiyah Qayam Karta Rahya, Aap na kakaji na Dikra, Syedi Fakhruddin Shaheed {AQ} Bin Tarmalji Aap na Madadgar Rahya,

🔸Aap Ye Syedi Fakhruddin {AQ} ne Vaghar {Aaj nu Rajasthan} ni Taraf Mokla, Ek Muddat Daraz Tak te Sagla Makhfi ma Dawat Karta Rahya, Daur Kayo hato, Teni Tarikh ma Ikhtelaf chhe,
🔸Moulai Yaqub Patan ma Rahya, Aap Ye Pehli Masjid Patan ma ane Petlad ma Banavi, Aap Ye Aap na Farzand Moulai Ishaq ne Taiyar Kidha, ane Aap na Qayam Muqam Kidha,
🔸Moulai Yaqub, Aap Rajabul Asab ni 14mi Tarikh Patan ma Wafat’ thaya, Aap ni Qabr Mubarak Patan ma Purana Qabrastan ma chhe, Vahan Aap Miyan Mehboob na Naam si Mashhoor chhe,
🔸 AAP NA QUBBA Purani Ghat na Gujarati Taraz na Bana hua chhe, Vahan na Muslim Mujavar Bairao ne Ziyarat karva Jaava deta Nathi.
🔸43ma Dai na Zaman ma, Sheikh Ibrahim ‘Saifee’ Ye Aap ni Ziyarat Kidhi chhe, Syedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb {RA}, Ye Bhi Yaha Ziyarat Kidhi chhe, tem Vahan na Juna Mujavar kehta hata,
🔸Dai Al Asr Al Hayyul Muqadas Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Aqa {RA} Bhi Ziyarat Vaste Padhara chhy,
🔸1433H ma Apna Dai Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin {TUS} Bhi Yahan Ziyarat Vaste Padhara chhe,

🔸1436ma Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin {TUS}, Qablal Magrib Maulayi Yaqub {QR} na Urs Mubarak na Mouke Par Patan Padhara, Ziyarat Farmawi, Waha MASJID ma Salatul Ishaain Parhavi aney Namaz Ba’ad Sahen ma Urs Mubarak ni Majlis Aqd farmavi,
Maulaya Yaqub Saheb {QR},
( Zikar In English)
🔸Moulaya Yaqub Was the first Successor to the office of Waali Al-Hind after Moulaya Abdullah Khambat, Who Was Sent to India By Imam Mustansirbilla to establish Dawat Fatemiyah,_
🔸Moulaya Yaqub Was the Son of Raja Bharmal, A contemporary of the King Rao Jay Singh Who Reigned in the Gujarat Region in the 11th Century AD Both these Kings and Raja Bharmal’s Brother-
Raja Tarmal, Responded to the Call of Moulaya Abdullah and entered the fold of Dawat and Made Incessant efforts for the Spread of Dawoodi Bohra faith,
🔸Moulaya Yaqub Was Born to Raja Bharmal as a divine Boon in Return of his devoted endeavours for the cause of Dawat Fatemiyah,
🔸Raja Bharmal Was very Pious, devout and committed to guiding the People on to the Right Path of Dawat, Under the benign benevolence and special care of Moulaya Abdullah, he was elevated to the high rank of Waali-Al-Hind,
🔸Moulaya Abdullah Personally Tutored Moulaya Yaqub in Religious Rites and Traditions,_
🔸He Imparted Knowledge and Wisdom and appointed him as Wali-Al-Hind With his efforts, Dawat spread all over the Region, He sent Moulaya Fakhruddin Shaheed to Waghar region in Rajasthan for encouraging People to embrace Imaan,
🔸Moulaya Yaqub expired on 14th of Rajab and was Buried in the cemetery in Patan, Being Most loved and Nearest to Allah, he Became famous as Miyan Mehboob as People got their desires fulfilled through his grace and Intercession,
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